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KINGS OF BROADWAY were originally formed in 2011 when guitarist Aldo Lonobile (one of the most recognized guitar players/composers from the Italian metal scene, founder member of bands like Secret Sphere, Civilization One and Shadowspell) started gathering musicians and friends to fulfill his desire to create a Hard Rock band.
KINGS OF BROADWAY were originally formed in 2011 when guitarist Aldo Lonobile (one of the most recognized guitar players/composers from the Italian metal scene, founder member of bands like Secret Sphere, Civilization One and Shadowspell) started gathering musicians and friends to fulfill his desire to create a Hard Rock band.
After a year of writing songs, making demos with his longtime friends Luca Cartasegna (ex-Secret Sphere) on drums, Ricky Messeri on guitar and JJ Andreone (Odd Dimension, A Perfect Day) on bass, the showed the ability to create amazing rock songs for the masses, once sung by the right singer!
After trying out some different options, JJ suggested his long time friend Tiziano Spigno (that later became the singer of Lucky Bastardz); Tiziano has a unique vocal tone and an amazing ability in writing rock melodies that give its best melted with KINGS OF BROADWAY!
This was 2012 - and the band then really started!From 2012 to 2015 they worked in the shadows, composing the whole debut album and recording it in the best way possible, with the aim to deliver an outstanding sound able to play the game with the rock giants out in the market!
Among the great words received by the representatives of the musical industry, the band signed a record deal with German label Pride & Joy Music in early 2017. The group’s self-titled debut album “Kings Of Broadway” is set for a release on April 28th, 2017 and also includes an astonishing cover of One Republic’s smash hit “Counting Stars”.
Line-up: Tiziano Spigno – Vocals, Aldo Lonobile – Guitars, Ricky Messeri – Guitars, JJ Andreaone – Bass, Luca Cartasegna - Drums
Web: www.facebook.com/kingsdonotobey