Markus Pfeffer (LAZARUS DREAM, BARNABAS SKY, WINTERLAND) is one of the most creative and hardest working musicians in the melodic (hard) rock scene out there. His new project ATLANTIS DRIVE with the one and only Mark Boals (ex YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, RING OF FIRE) on vocals is like an amazing trip to back in the day but without sounding dusted or old-fashioned in any way. But let’s see what the busy guitarist, songwriter and producer has to say…
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Atlantis Drive - The record that should have been made back in the day…but never was.
Markus Pfeffer (LAZARUS DREAM, BARNABAS SKY, WINTERLAND) is one of the most creative and hardest working musicians in...Jul 2, 2024 Read more -
Universe III - We go way back but play today!
Universe III - We go way back but play today! Swedish outfit UNIVERSE III release their third album in total...Jun 11, 2024 Read more -
Rydholm/Säfsund - Album of the year? YES!
Rydholm/Säfsund - Album of the year? YES! Anders Rydholm (g, ex-GRAND DESIGN, ART OF ILLUSION) and Lars Säfsund...Jun 11, 2024 Read more -
A Neverending John’s Dream - Dreams come true!
A Neverending John’s Dream - Dreams come true! A NEVERENDING JOHN’S DREAM, a new AOR project from Spain unleashes...Jun 11, 2024 Read more -
Alicate - A little bit heavier!
Alicate - A little bit heavier! ALICATE from Sweden have been formed back in the late eighties but only recently...Jun 11, 2024 Read more

Universe III - We go way back but play today! Swedish outfit UNIVERSE III release their third album in total although “Universe“ (1985) and “Rock Is Alive“ (2018) came out under a slightly different monicker. Andreas Eklund (v), Hasse Hagman (b) and Per Nilsson (g) join us for a very pleasant and informative video interview across the Baltic Sea from Northern Germany to Sweden. The three musicians, who seem to share a similar vision of the band and their melodic hard rock, absolutely speak with one voice. But let’s see what they actually have to say…
Rydholm/Säfsund - Album of the year? YES! Anders Rydholm (g, ex-GRAND DESIGN, ART OF ILLUSION) and Lars Säfsund (v, WORK OF ART, LIONVILLE, ENBOUND, ART OF ILLUSION) put out one hell of a record. It’s a perfect blend of TOTO and CHICAGO. A very pleasant talk with the main songwriter and guitarist should follow. “Kaleidoscope“ surely is going to make it into many “top albums of the year“ lists by both fans and journalists. Sheer quality from songwriting to arrangements and from recording to production.
A Neverending John’s Dream - Dreams come true! A NEVERENDING JOHN’S DREAM, a new AOR project from Spain unleashes a classic but exciting album with melodies, emotions and hopes these days. Mastermind Joan “John“ M. Heredia (v/d ) and Paul E. Schuster (b), who has got German roots, take some time to speak to us about their stunning debut, rock music in Spain in general and a possible next record, respectively the future of their project. The two musicians love music and are grounded people who do not take everything for granted.
Alicate - A little bit heavier! ALICATE from Sweden have been formed back in the late eighties but only recently they are quite active again with “Butterfly“ (2022) and the new album “Heaven Tonight“. Drummer Jesper Persson and bass-player Fredrik Ekberg are there to answer some questions. The melodic rockers showcase a deep understanding of what makes up a band and how important playing live is. An informative and nice conversation was about to unfold. A conversation that covers a little change in style, long-time influences and future plans.